Chiropractic Education

1988 - Palmer College of Chiropractic, Davenport, USA

2009 - FICS- International Sports Chiropractor, Amsterdam, Holland

2020 - Functional Neurology Practitioner, Z-Health University.

Seminars and Symposia Attended 

1987 - Extremity Course, Palmer College of Chiropractic

1987 - Advanced Proficiency in Clinical Sciences, 50 hours, L. Paul Markey DC, Founder of Southeast Back Institute

1990 - National Boards of Examiners, Bornmouth, England

1998 - Post Graduate Neurology 300 hours, LKR, Stockholm in corporation with New York Chiropractic College (NYCC)

1999 - Disability in the 21st Century, ECU Convention, Denmark

2000 - Differential Diagnosis and Management of The Upper Extremity, Thomas Souza DC, Chiroform, Copenhagen, Denmark

2000 - Rehabilitation, Neurology and Sports, ECU Convention, Greece

2001 - Paediatric Chiropractic, Claudia Anrig DC, Chiroform, Copenhagen, Denmark

2001 - The Science, Art and Philosophy of Chiropractic Practice from Youth to age, ECU/WFC Convention, France

2002 - Injury and Trauma: Can Chiropractic Manage It?, ECU Convention, Norway

2003 - Approach to Head Pain, November, Darryl D. Curl, DDS, DC, Chiroform, Copenhagen, Denmark

2004 - Diagnosis and Management of Cervical Radiculopathy, including Neural mobilization and Cervical satbilizatiobn training, Marts, Donald R. Murphy, DC, DACAN, LKR, Hooks Herrgård, Jönköping, Sweden

2004 - The Chiropractic Profession: Facts and Myths, ECU Convention, Finland

2005 - Charrette Extremity Adjusting Protocols, April, Dr. Charrette, LKR, Luleå, Sweden

2005 - Panorama of Chiropractic Techniques, ECU Convention, Cyprus

2006 - Chiropractic – a Multifaceted Profession, ECU Convention, Sweden

2007 - Celebrating the Past, Present and Future of Chiropractic, ECU/ WFC Convention, Portugal

2007 - Kids Needs Chiropractic too, Joan Fallon DC, LKR, Stockholm, Sweden

2008 - Chiropractic Horizons – Possibilities and Limitations, ECU Convention, Belgium

2008 - Rehab what is it good for?, Steve Hoffman, BSEE, Hans Tropp, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Petra Volouchová, PT, PhD, LKR, Karlstad, Sweden

2009 - Chiropractic – a Vital Science!, ECU Convention, Sardinia, Italy

2009 - FICS Seminar, Exam, May, Larry Bell DC, Michael Murray DC, Amsterdam, Holland

2009 - FICS Seminar, October, Larry Bell DC, Michael Murray DC, Lausanne, Switzerland

2009 - Advanced Sports Chiropractic, October, Larry Bell DC, Michael Murray DC, Hobro, Denmark, Organized by Rikke Craven DC, ICSSD

2010 - Myofascial Distortion Treatment, Peter Miller DC, LKR, Stockholm, Sweden

2010 - FICS Seminar, June, Larry Bell DC, Michael Murray DC, Lausanne, Switzerland

2010 - Chiropractic in the Bone and Joint Decade Reflections, Achievements and Opportunities, ECU Convention, London, Great Brittain

2010 - Past, Present and the Future of Chiropractic, Michael W Hall DC, CCST, DABCN, FIACN, Richardo Fujikawa MD, DC, Dr. Glen Hesse, LKR, Umeå, Sweden

2010 - FICS Seminar, October, Larry Bell DC, Michael Murray DC, Lausanne, Switzerland

2011 - Manipulation and Rehabilitation Procedures of the Spine – a Hands On Seminar, February, Laney Nelson DC, LKR, Stockholm, Sweden

2011 - Chiropractic Paediatrics Symposium, May, Joyce Miller DC, Lora Tanis, DC, Brad Waters DC, Sharon Vallone DC, EAC Seminar, Edinburgh, Scotland

2011 - Is your Patient Getting Better, June, ECU Convention, Zürich, Switzerland

2011 - Manual Therapy for the Paediatric Patient, September, Joyce Miller, DC, EAC Seminar, Copenhagen, Denmark

2011 - Back Pain in Pregnancy – a Pain in the Neck?, September, Donald Murphy, DC, DACAN, Ingrid Mogren, Associate Professor, MD, PHD, Stefan Malmqvist, DC, PhD, LKR, Malmö, Sweden

2012 - Compression and Chiropractic Manipulation, February, Laney Nelson, DC, LKR, Stockholm, Sweden

2012 - Practice Makes Perfect, May, ECU Convention, Amsterdam, Holland

2012 - The Functional Approach to Human Performance – a Chiropractor`s guide to the latest innovation in functional assessment and treatment strategies, June, Larry Bell DC, Michael Murray, DC, Anthony McDougall, DC, Florence, Italy

2012 - FICS Seminar, September, Larry Bell DC, Michael Murray DC, Middelfart, Denmark

2012 - “Insights into how knowledge about our adaptive brain and mind can be clinically useful, the latest research on the effects of chiropractic care on central neural function and Upper Cervical Specific analysis and adjustments”, Heidi DC, PhD, Per Hamid Ghatan MD, PhD, Angelo Battiston (DocB), DC, October, LKR, Stockholm, Sweden

2012 - Evidence Based Patient Management, Keld Østergaard, DC, MD, PhD, Zug, Schweiz

2012 - Pediatric Seminar, Sue Weber, DC, November, Stockholm, Sweden

2013 - “Treatment of Cervical and Lumbar Radiculopathy: Neural Mobilization and Muscle Energy Techniques” and “Sports Chiropractic”, Donald R. Murphy DC, DACAN, Stefan Nilsson BSc (Hons), Msc, DC, ICSSD, CCEP, Henrik Højgaard DC, ICSSD, Februari, LKR, Gothenbourg, Sweden

2013 - 12-hour Advanced Extremity Adjusting – Part Two, Mark Charrette, October, LKR, Stockholm, Sweden.

2014 - Dynamic neuromuscular Stabilization Presentation, Alena Kobesova MD, PhD, Marcela Safarova MPT, PhD, Julie Demekova MPT, Jesper Andersen DC, January, LKR, Lund, Sweden

2014 - Definition of Compression Neuropathies in the Upper Extremity, Mitch Mally DC, April, Vejle, Denmark

2014 - Annual meeting in The Doctors Club, Keld Østergaard, April/May, Locarno, Italy

2014 - Celebrating Diversity: Information, Innovation and Inspiration, ECU Convention, May, Dublin, Ireland

2014 - Modem Management of Headache and Dizziness, Alexander Chaibi DC, Björn Enqvist, Eva-Maj Malmström, Kjell Strandberg, LKR, October, Stockholm, Sweden

2014 - Clinic Management and Economics for Chiropractors, The Doctors Club, Keld Østergaard DC, MD, Phd, October/November, Zug, Switzerland

2014 - Selective Functional Movement Assessment – Certification, “SFMA”, Michael Voight MD (orthopedic surgeon), Professor, December, Heston in London, Great Britain

2015 - Kiropraktik för atleten – ung, äldre, elit och motionär, Ståle Hauge DC, ICCSP; Annette Jørgensen DC, ICCSP, February, LKR, Stockholm, Sweden

2015 - Intro-Fascia, Livo Wegelius Physio, Ystad, Sweden

2015 - Management of The Spine and Lower Extremity Disorders in School Children, Lisbeth Runge Larsen Physio, Master of Health Science, PhD; Tina Junge Physio. PhD; Cladio Franz DC, PhD; LKR, September, Stockholm, Sweden.

2015 - A Day in The Infant Clinic, Joyce Miller BSc, DC, FACO, FCC, Associate Professor; Aurèlie Marchand MChiro, DC, MScACPP, FEAC; Charlotte Giuliani BSc (Chiro), MScAPP; November, AECC in Bournemouth, Great Britain.

2016 - Hur kan vi blomstra in på alders host? En konferens om att åldras hälsosamt och aktivt; Tommey Cederholm MD, PhD, Professor i klimisk nutrition; Erik Poulsen DC, PhD, seniorforstakre; Anne Ekdahl MD, PhD; Michele Maiers DC, PhD, Director for healthcare innovation and policy; Matthias Lidin Leg. Specialistsjuksköterska, Doktorand Karolinska Institut; LKR; February; Malmö; Sweden.

2016 - Economy in a Chiropractic Clinic, Keld Østergaard, April, Zug, Switzerland.

2016 - Building Bridges, ECU Convention, May, Oslo, Norway.

2016 - Z-Health seminar – Functional Neurology 1 – arranged by NIKKB, June, Vejle, Denmark.

2016 - Z-Health Functional Neurology – “Structure,” September, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2016 - LKR, September/October, Stockholm, Sweden 2017 5 days of full body dissection with Todd Garcia, Tempe, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

2017 - LKR Conference, February, Ystad, Sweden

2017 - Z-Health Functional Neurology – “R-Phase,” March, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2017 - Economy in the Chiropractic Clinic, Keld Østergaard, Zug, Switserland. 2017 ECU Conference “Life is Movement”, May, Limmasol, Cypres.

2017 - Z-Health Functional Neurology – “S” phase, September, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2017 - Z-Health seminar – Functional Neurology 2 – arranged by NIKKB, November, Vejle, Denmark.

2018 - “Den moderna kliniken” and “Fysisk aktivitet hos barn” – arranged by LKR; Speakers: Sue Weber, Eric Russel, Klas Östberg, Dave Newell, Anna-Karin Lindquist, Justine Fischer and Johan Bergkvist; February; Båstad; Sweden 2018 Z-Health Functional Neurology – “T-Phase,” March, Malmö, Sweden.

2018 - Z-Health Functional Neurology – “Skill and Style,” June, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2018 - Z-Health Functional Neurology – “Structure,” Malmö, Sweden

2019 - LKR Spring Conferens – Group and Organisation Development and Chiropractic Extremity Adjustning Technique w/ Atle Torstensen; February; Gothenburg, Sweden.

2019 - World Federation of Chiropractic and European Chiropractic Union Conference (WFC and ECU) – EPIC

2019 - Global Opportunities in Spine Care; Mars; Berlin; Germany

2019 - Z-Health Functional Neurology – “Next Evolution;” May; Malmö; Sweden.

2019 - Z-Health Functional Neurology – “Stamina;” November; Malmö; Sweden

2019 - Z-Health Functional Neurology – “Strength & Suppleness;” May; virtual; Ystad; Sweden

2020 - Annual Chiropraktic Meeting within LKR; October; virtual; Ystad; Sweden 

2022 - ECU Convention 2022, May, Utrecht, Netherlands

2022 - The Prenatal and Pediatric Adjuster Seminar with Dr. Claudia Anrig, Augusti, Copenhagen, Denmark

2022 - LKR Convention; October; Stockholm; Sweden.

2023 - Chiropractic annual meeting in ”The Doctors Club”; May; Zug; Schweiz.

2023 - ”Road to Paris” – FICS annual meeting; Paris; Frankrike.

2023 - LKR annual Fall Convention; October; Varberg; Sweden.

Games and events

1990 - Event doctor at a local indoor soccer tournament, Österlen, Sweden

1991 - 1993 - Team doctor of the IFK Ystad Handball Club playing in the elite series, home and away games

2003 - 2005 - Extern team doctor of the YIF Handball Club playing in the elite series, home games

2004 - 2006 - Coach and team doctor of SGIoF Soccer Club, girls at the age of 7 – 10

2007 - Official Ringsite doctor at the Trelleborg Open, an internaltional taekwondo tournament with 900 athletes from all over the world

2008 - Official Ringsite doctor at the Trelleborg Open, an internaltional taekwondo tournament with 900 athletes from all over the world

2008 - Official Ringsite doctor at the Swedish Taekwondo Championship, Trelleborg, Sweden

2008 - 2010 - Team doctor of Splitt Elite Gymnastics, Ystad, 3rd best in Sweden, home and away tournaments

2010 - 2013 - Personal doctor and sponsor of an elite athletics 400 meter runner – Josefin la Fleur, 17 years of age, club: Ystads IF Friidrott (YIF), gold in the Swedish Junior Championship 2011, number 8 in the Swedish Championship 2011, personal best 56,63 seconds, goal – the European Championship

2011 - Official chiropractor at the Pan American Games, Guadalajara, Mexico, October 14–30, multiple-sport event with 42 nations competing in 36 sports events and more than 6000 athletes attending

2013 - Official Chiropractor at The Swedish Ladies Open – the 2nd largest tennis tournament in Sweden for the professional women players from around the world in Ystad in Sweden from June 15th to June 22nd

2013 - Official Chiropractor at The World Games in Cali in Columbia from July 23th to August 5th.

2014 - Official Chiropractor at the Swedish Ladies Open – the 2nd largest tennis tournament in Sweden for the professional women players from around the world in Ystad in Sweden from June 16th to June 21nd

2015 - Ongoing - Official Chiropractor and sponsor for 5 top junior elite golf players in Ystad

2015 - Official Chiropractor at the Swedish Ladies Open – the 2nd largest tennis tournament in Sweden for the professional women players from around the world in Ystad in Sweden from June 15th to June 20nd

2015 - Official Chiropractor at the Celebrity Golf Tournament, July, Ystad Golf Club

2015 - Official Chiropractor at the Skandia Junior World Golf Tournament, September, Ystad Golf Club

2015 - Chiropractor and sponsor of Anders Lindbladh in Ystad who is competing in “The Strongest Man in Sweden.”

2016 - Official Chiropractor at the Largest Wrestling Training Camp in Europe in Helsingborg at Easter.

2016 - Coming up: Official Chiropractor at the IFMA Muaythai World Championship in May.

2016 - Official Chiropractor at the Swedish Ladies Open – the 2nd largest tennis tournament in Sweden for the professional women players from around the world in Ystad in Sweden from June 18th to June 25th.

2016 - Official Chiropractor and Member of the Medical Team at the Olympic Games in Rio from August 4 th to 21th.

2016 - Official Chiropractor at the International Mens Open Tennis Tournament, August, Ystad, Sweden.

2016 - Official Chiropractor and medical responsible at the second largest Wrestling Tournament in Sweden, October, Helsingborg, Sweden

2017 - Official Chiropractor at the WSG (World Sports Games), June, Riga, Latvia

2017 - Official Chiropractor and medical responsible at the second largest Wrestling Tournament in Sweden, October, Helsingborg, Sweden.

2018 - IPF European Master Classic Powerlifting Championship EPF, March, Helsingborg, Sweden.

2018 - The World Championship in Tabletennis, May, Halmstad, Sweden.

2018 - Swedish Championship in Canoeing, July, Luleå, Sweden.

2018 - Official Chiropractor at the satrong man competition “ The Crudest Man of Sweden” – the strongest competitors from the Nordic countries, August, Ystad, Sweden.

2018 - Official Chiropractor and medical responsible at the second largest Wrestling Tournament in Sweden, October, Helsingborg, Sweden.

2018 - Official Chiropractor at the World Championship in Power Lifting (IPL), October, Helsingborg, Sweden.

2019 - Official Chiropractor at the Ju-jitsu European Championship; May/ June; Bukarest; Romania.

2019 - Official Chiropractor and medical responsible at the second largest Wrestling Tournament in Sweden, October, Helsingborg, Sweden. 

2022 - Official Chiropractor and medical responsible at the second largest Wrestling Tournament in Sweden, October, Helsingborg, Sweden

2022 - Official Chiropractor at the World Championship of Ju Jitsu for 2 weeks, October/November, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

2023 - Swedish Championship – standing up paddle (ICF SUP); August; Skrea Strand (Baltic Sea); Falkenberg; Sweden

2023 - CSIT World Sport Games 2023; 4 th – 10th of September; Cervia; Italy.

2024 - Official Chiropractor at JJIF (ju-jitsu) European and World Cup; August; Zadar; Croatia.

2024 - Official Chiropractor at JJIF (ju-jitsu) World Championships; October; Creta; Greece

Professional experience

1988 - 1991- Private practice, Kristianstad, Sweden

1990 - present - Private practice, Ystad, Sweden

1991 - 1993 - Private practice within a private medical office, Dr. Inge-Gerd Norrlund, MD, Simrishamn, Sweden

1991 - 2005 - Company doctor, furniture company Gärsnäs Möbler AB, Gärsnas, Sweden

1993 - 1995 - Private practice within a private medical orthopaedic practice, Dr. Matti Yllö, MD, Kivik, Sweden

2013 - Speaker: “My Experience as a Chiropractor Working at the Pan American Games in Guadalajara in Mexico 2011”, LKR Winter Conference 2013, February, Gothenbourg, Sweden

2013 - Teaching a 2 hour course in technique to the newly graduated chiropractors – “An other Approach to Treat Back Pain using and understanding The Anatomical Trains ”, Februari, Gothenbourg, Sweden.

2014 - Teaching a 3 hour course in sports chiropractic, January, LKR, Lund, Sweden.

2017 - Teaching 2½ hours of chiropractic technique – “My way of working with Chiropractic Patients”, December, Oslo, Norway.

2019 - Talk to and treat the highschool elite skiers at the Sveg Gymnasium in Härjedalen; October 18 – 20, Sweden. 

Service and organizations

1988 - - Member of The Swedish Chiropractic Association LKR (Legitimerade Kiropraktorers Riksorganisation)

2006 - 2010 - Member of Ystad Rotary Club

2007 - 2009 - Member of the board of Ystad Rotary Club

2009 - 2010 - Secretary of Ystad Rotary Club

2011 - - Board Member and Vice Chairman of the Swedish Chiropractic Sports Medicine Committee (Kiropraktisk Idrottsmedicin) which is a member of the Swedish Chiropractic Association (LKR)

2011 - - Member of the EAC – European Academy of Chiropractic

2012 - - Fully Membership of The Swedish Sports Medicine Society – SFAIM (Svensk förening för fysisk aktivitet och idrottsmedicin)

2018 - - Secretary of ”IKS” (Idrottskiropraktik i Sverige)

2018 - - Member of PM-International Sweden.

2018 - - Manager and distributor of health food from FitLine.

2018 - - Marcket Manager of PM-International, May.

2018 - - International Marcket Manager (IMM), August.

2019 - - Selected as President of the Building-Society Apartments “Sockerhusen” in Ystad, June 21 in Ystad, Sweden. 

YKK-Team sponsoring 2017

Olivia Stridh (15 years of age) – elite athletics (speciality is hurdles). SM Guld 60 m häck. 2018.

Bimo Soenarso (16 years of age) – elite athletics (speciality 80 and 100 meter sprint). SM Guld 60 m 2018.

Kornelia Jönsson (17 years of age) – elite table tennis.

Anders Lindbladh (37 years og age) – Strong Man competition and veteran shot-putter.